Component: Data Table Block

Modifier Codes

51When multiple procedures, other than E/M services, physical medicine and rehabilitation services or provision of supplies (e.g., vaccines), are performed at the same session by the same individual, the primary procedure or service may be reported as listed. The additional procedure(s) or service(s) may be identified by appending modifier 51 to the additional procedure or service code(s). Note: This modifier should not be appended to designated "add-on" codes (see Appendix D).
50Bilateral Procedures — Applies to any bilateral procedure performed on both sides at the same session. Unless otherwise identified in the listings, bilateral procedures that are performed at the same session should be identified by adding modifier 50 to the appropriate 5-digit code
52Under certain circumstances a service or procedure is partially reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the physician or other qualified healthcare professional. Under these circumstances the service provided can be identified by its usual procedure number and the addition of modifier 52, signifying that the service is reduced. This provides a means of reporting reduced services without disturbing the identification of the basic service
53Under certain circumstances, the physician or other qualified healthcare professional may elect to terminate a surgical or diagnostic procedure. Due to extenuating circumstances or those that threaten the well-being of the patient, it may be necessary to indicate that a surgical or diagnostic procedure was started but discontinued.
51 When multiple procedures, other than E/M services, physical medicine and rehabilitation services or provision of supplies (e.g., vaccines), are performed at the same session by the same individual, the primary procedure or service may be reported as listed. The additional procedure(s) or service(s) may be identified by appending modifier 51 to the additional procedure or service code(s). Note: This modifier should not be appended to designated "add-on" codes (see Appendix D).
50Bilateral Procedures — Applies to any bilateral procedure performed on both sides at the same session. Unless otherwise identified in the listings, bilateral procedures that are performed at the same session should be identified by adding modifier 50 to the appropriate 5-digit code
52Under certain circumstances a service or procedure is partially reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the physician or other qualified healthcare professional. Under these circumstances the service provided can be identified by its usual procedure number and the addition of modifier 52, signifying that the service is reduced. This provides a means of reporting reduced services without disturbing the identification of the basic service
53Under certain circumstances, the physician or other qualified healthcare professional may elect to terminate a surgical or diagnostic procedure. Due to extenuating circumstances or those that threaten the well-being of the patient, it may be necessary to indicate that a surgical or diagnostic procedure was started but discontinued.