We look forward to welcoming you to UNC Fertility. To allow you to relax before your first appointment and decrease your waiting time, we recommend that you provide us with as much information as possible prior to your visit. The forms available on this page will help us to get to know you better and enable us to provide the best possible care for your unique needs. You will also receive an emailed link to complete once your initial consultation has been scheduled.

Please complete any applicable forms below prior to your visit. If you have one, please be sure to include your referring provider’s name and contact information.

In advance of your appointment, please arrange to have any medical records relating to the evaluation and treatment you or your partner may have previously received faxed to our office at: 919-596-6147

If at any time you need further assistance, a member of our office staff will be happy to help you. Simply call 919-908-0000.

New Fertility Patient

Also available

*Please allow 30 days for records to be processed and sent to the facility of your choice. Federal holidays may delay processing time.

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