UNC Fertility offers semen storage for patients who are planning to undergo procedures that may result in sterility, or who wish to do so electively. Some information regarding our program can be provided in advance, which will make the process easier for patients faced with this decision.
Semen Collection
First, the patient must be able to collect semen by masturbation into a sterile specimen cup. This can be done in a special room at UNC Fertility or at a local home or hotel (in which case we will give more specific instructions for delivery of the specimen). An effort will be made to accommodate each individual, so please make necessary special arrangements through the lab.
Examination of the Specimen
The andrology laboratory personnel will explain the semen analysis and current assisted reproductive technologies. Some illnesses can cause temporary or permanent alterations in sperm numbers, sperm motility or accessory gland function. The number of vials frozen per collection is based on the quality and quantity of the sperm present in the semen sample, and frozen per protocol and Andrologist discretion.
Semen and cryoprotectant is placed in small plastic vials and stored in a liquid nitrogen “bank.” The laboratory sets no limit on the number of vials a patient may store. Some sperm can retain viability after more than 10 years in storage, but others are not viable after only a few days. We are unable to predict an individual outcome effectively. A Specimen Storage Agreement that describes the basic conditions for providing this service will be signed by both the patient and the andrology laboratory personnel. The clinic is pleased to report many successful pregnancies from semen stored in this program.
Storage fees are paid monthly. The storage year runs from January 1 through December 31. All storage billing is done through a third-party vendor, Embryo Options. Failure to pay the storage fees will result in the specimens being discarded. This fee covers all specimens stored regardless of the number.
Full payment is due at the time of service. Any relevant referrals indicating amount of co-payment or complete coverage must be presented at time of service. For initial billing concerns, call our billing department at 919-908-0003 (extension 1038251).
Future Use of the Specimens
A Release From Storage form will be provided when the patient is ready to use the specimens. UNC Fertility will provide patient care, or the specimens can be shipped to another physician or clinic at the patient’s expense. We strongly encourage each patient to select a physician who is experienced at artificial insemination and can offer current technological services.
New procedures are available that can maximize the opportunity to achieve a pregnancy that uses sperm samples with reduced numbers, motility or quality (factors that may reduce the likelihood of success with simple insemination). Our physicians and staff are able to offer these procedures and will discuss them with the patient if desired.
It is very important to consider this service as soon as possible when a therapy program is decided so that the patient may have the opportunity to store multiple specimens. Please call us at 919-908-0000 to schedule an appointment. We try to accommodate the patient’s schedule as much as possible. Appointments are available between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.