It is our honor to provide you the highest level of medical care and emotional support throughout your journey toward parenthood.

The Beginning

Our goal is to support you both medically and personally. We begin this relationship with a consultation and physical exam, which allows your physician to learn more about you and allows you to ask any initial questions that you may have. Your physician will assess your fertility and design a customized treatment plan with you. We believe that open communication throughout the process is vital, so please do not hesitate to share any concerns with us at this initial visit or at any time throughout the process. We are here for you.

Sperm Donor Selection

After you have determined your treatment plan, you will select a sperm donor. A donor can be someone that you know (which we call a known sperm donor), or may be selected from a sperm bank (which we call an anonymous sperm donor). We can help you navigate this process. After selecting the donor, you will need to arrange an appointment for him to come to our center or to have the frozen sperm delivered to us. It is important to note that various treatments require the sperm to be prepared in different ways; we will discuss the requirements of your unique treatment plan with you.

Anonymous Sperm Donors

The accredited sperm banks that we work with give you the opportunity to select a donor by various characteristics such as education, ethnicity, height, eye color, etc. After initial selection you can purchase the donor’s in-depth profile to learn more. When purchasing the sperm itself, it is vital to note which preparation you will need for your particular treatment plan.

Known Sperm Donors

If your donor is someone you know, we recommend that he be medically screened for genetic issues. Our on-site andrology laboratory can assist him with this service. After the screening, we will collect his sperm, freeze and quarantine it for 180 days and then retest it. If you are considering using a known donor, we recommend that you consult a lawyer regarding any laws that may apply to paternity to protect the best interests of you and your child.


Recommended Books
Choosing Single Motherhood: The Thinking Woman’s Guide
Single Mothers by Choice: A Guidebook for Single Women Who Are Considering or Have Chosen Motherhood

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Contact Us

We invite you to schedule an appointment to discuss how we can help you reach your goal of having a baby. We look forward to assisting you.